Holy Hilarity

Technology and Worship                             

The problem is not the technology, but how we use it. The problem is that we are ourselves confused about the ways technology can help and hinder us. We are also confused about the nature of worship. In our passage for today, Thomas offers three guidelines for testing whether technology is being used in a healthy way.

First, technology cannot replace intimacy.Thomas says he won’t believe unless he can touch Jesus. I think that’s an awesome way to approach God. I know Thomas gets a bad rap for doubting, but really he wants something more intimate than someone telling a story. He wants to get up close and personal with Jesus. How long have there been TV preachers? Some people predicted that the local church would go the way of the dinosaur. But the TV can’t take the place of a hug and people who know you. Some people predicted that virtual relationships online would take the place of real relationships in person. But typing on a keyboard or Zooming in is not the same richness of experience as being there. You can watch a recording over and over, but you can participate in an event only once in real time. Technology cannot replace intimacy.

Second, technology is not the point. God is the point.

(At this point the technology crashes and burns.)

For Thomas, listening to the stories others were telling was not enough—he wanted the real thing. John Oortberg, one of the great preachers of our time, writes that worship should not be boring and not be merely amusing. The word, amuse, comes from Latin. When we muse, we reflect on and think about, we are inspired by. Amusing,then, interferes with reflecting, thinking about and being inspired. Amusement is just stimulation candy, just occupying our mind. A lot of technology falls into this category, doesn’t it? Oortberg’s bigger point though is that worship fails to connect with people if it’s boring, and fails to challenge and inspire people if it’s only amusing. Worship is supposed to be engaging. To help us stop, think and listen. To help us open the doors of our heart and mind to the wonder, beauty and love of Jesus Christ.

Do we make time and space to get up close and personal with Jesus? Are we a physical presence with others?