We are going to send a formal version of The Light out next month, but we still wanted to share dates of events at the church this month.
2/2 | Worship and Sunday School @10am. Deacon's Meeting @11:30
2/7 | Woman's Fiber Arts @9:30
2/9 | Worship and Sunday School @10am. Annual Church Meeting following worship
2/10 | Lunch and Learn (Greek Words for Love) 12-1pm. Marina Bay Services
2/14 | Woman's Fiber Arts @ 9:30am. KID'S NIGHT OUT 5:30-8:30
2/16 | Worship with Lori Bruni and Sunday School at 10am
2/21 | Woman's Fiber Arts @ 9:30am
2/23 | Worship with Lori Bruni and Sunday School @10am.
2/24 | March LIGHT Articles Due. Lunch and Learn (Episode of The Chosen) @12-1pm
2/26 | Bible Study @6PM
2/28 | Woman's Fiber Arts @9:30am
This is the month where we focus on love. In the bible there are several forms of love used in the Greek. In the Bible, agape love is a type of unconditional love that is considered the highest form of love. It is a choice to act in ways that benefit others, and it is often described as sacrificial. We know that in John 3:16 it states, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” This is what many of us learned in Sunday school and it is the start of our communion service each month. It is a love that is not dependent upon our actions, but upon God’s action towards us.
This month as you see the red hearts and listen to the commercials for chocolate and roses, remember that the highest form of love we can have for each other is not romantic or Familia, it is agape where we love the other because of who God has made them to be, not because of any special favor they can do for us, or how related we are to them.
This month let us see the others around us and love them for who they are and celebrate their uniqueness. God seeks to love us with the action of sacrificing for us. Who in our lives are we sacrificing that they might come to know God a bit better? Blessings as you explore this love of action and seek to share it. Amen.
Also Rev. Wendy Sue will be out of the country from February 13-23. If there is an emergency, please reach out to Lori Bruni--lori.bruni@ctschicago.edu Lori will be with us on February 16 and 23.