Thought to Guide Meditation
Though force can protect in emergency, only justice, fairness, consideration and co-operation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Welcome and Introductions
Glad to be here.
Welcome to our first Sunday back after being in coronavirus lockdown.
This is how we will be for the next few Sundays until our community gives the go-ahead to ease up more.
Annual Meeting of the Congregation June 14.
Heart-Opening Song Sweet, Sweet Spirit
Call to Worship and Opening Prayer (from Deuteronomy 8)
One: Remember how the LORD our God has led us through the wilderness all these years…
Many: He humbled us, causing us to hunger and then feeding us with manna, which neither we nor our fathers had known, to teach us that we do not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.
One: When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God for the good land he has given you.
Many: Let us take care that we do not forget the LORD our God, failing to observe his commands…for it is the LORD who gives us the abilities to produce wealth, and the LORD who will lead us on. Let us worship God!
Opening Hymn #799, America the Beautiful
Opening Prayer
O LORD, we give You thanks for this day and for our place in it. We especially give thanks that we are together—some of us online, some of us in person. We thank You for our nation, for the dreams of using our freedom to worship You and be a blessing to the poor, the hungry, and the hurting. Today we remember all those who have offered up their lives for Your dreams. Help us and our nation to be filled with Your purpose, to shine Your light for all the nations to see. We pray all these things in the Name and Spirit of Jesus Christ, who teaches disciples to pray, saying, “Our Father…”
Prayer Response Glory Be to the Father
Prayer Concerns
Prayer Song If My People
Pastoral Prayer
Prayer Response Doxology
Hymn of Preparation 10,000 Reasons
God’s Word John 17:1–11, 20–23
Understanding God’s Word for Our Lives
If Jesus Were Praying for You, What Would He Ask for?
Closing Hymn #808, Eternal Father, Strong to Save
Unison Benediction
We gathered in hope today, and now we head into the rest of our lives. We trust that You will go with us, Jesus, and that Your guidance and strength will come when we most need it. May others see Your grace shining through us, and know the power of the new life we are finding in You. Amen.